Although I started out thinking of an ABCs for Board Games book (I’m still working on the words for that one), I ultimately decided for my first book not to be an ABC or numbers book, but just a nursery rhyme type story.

Once I got the inspiration, the words for Board Game Day actually came pretty quickly to me. Since I’ve had lots of practice with writing lyrics, I was able to get a first draft that I was happy with within a day. But I still wasn’t thinking of publishing it.

At first, I wanted to just make a physical book for my children to be able to hold and see. I was thinking I could put together pictures of them playing games to go with the words. But then I kept thinking, “What if it could be illustrated like a children’s book?”

My drawing skills aren’t great – I don’t have the experience to draw characters well, and it would take me a long time to draw something I was happy with. So then I started looking for artists. And as I was doing that, I realized that if I was going to get the book illustrated, then maybe I should look into publishing it so that more board gaming parents could get it for their kids!

If you’re reading this, I hope the idea of a general board game story sounds interesting. But if you’re interested in an ABCs of Board Games, maybe that will come next!

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